Poporin seems to be so angry about having been made only
his spirit, without his consent.
Junko gets angry too, and said in high voice. ' Yes! Even if you want to make friends, I am in trouble for having been separated my spirit from my body, and for having been made only my spirit. ' ' Oh... Are you angry...? ' ' Hum... I want to join the spiritual trip that nobody tried before.... But I understand that Poporin and Junko don't want to go. ' Yadopi and Ran came to think that they don't want to go. ' Well, I don't excuse you for fusing me in your tree without my agreement. ' Ran said. ' Please understand my mind! There is no other way to talk with you! I want to make friends... ' Star-Flower said so, and many large tears began to fall from Star-Flower's round eyes. |